Conflict resolution

Thomas Kilman Instrument (TKI)

A bridge to conflict resolution

The TKI helps people identify their preferred approach to conflict, and looks at how to use different styles to cope with various types of conflict situations. It prompts people to think about their reaction to interpersonal friction, and suggests strategies to positively affect the outcome of conflict, both in terms of relationships and results.

Measuring a person’s behaviour in relation to two dimensions - competitiveness and co-operation - the TKI acts as a simple but resonant diagnostic. Five different approaches to or ’modes’ of handling conflict are revealed, offering insight into potential for change in certain situations. This encourages self-awareness and enables the facilitator to open group discussions around conflict, influencing styles and critical decision-making.


Deliver immediate, actionable results to troubleshoot conflict situations fast.
Save time and money - no prior knowledge or qualification is required, so the tool
is suitable for line managers as well as L&D professionals.
Prevent costly legal repercussions by dealing with conflict before it escalates.
Transform conflict from wasteful and damaging to constructive and useful.

Key features

Uniquely measures approaches to conflict against five conflict-handling modes.
Identifies a preferred mode and how it affects conflict outcomes.
Provides specific tactics for achieving better outcomes from conflict situations.
Delivers results you can trust - the TKI is the world’s best-selling and most
researched conflict management tool.
Can be used with teams or individuals, creating a constructive and positive.

Reports Available

The TKI Profile and Interpretive Report gives specific suggestions to help people understand the pros and cons of conflict-handling styles, and suggests alternative approaches.

More information

If you are interested in learning more about TKI please contact PeopleCulture on 01962 772 005 or at

Alternatively, to find out more about the Thomas Kilman Instrument please visit